Discover a new approach to living well!

I’m so glad you’re here!
Hi There! I’m Ashley.
I help frustrated Dieters break free from The Cycle of DietiNG Using Simple Tools, not rigid rules, so that they feel HAPPY, healthy, and whole.
Are you tired of riding the diet rollercoaster yet wonder why you find yourself on it, again? I hear you! It was my life, too. After years of doing my own work, I’m here to share the simple tools that have helped me overcome obsessive dieting so that I can enjoy life without feeling controlled by food.
You know there’s more to life than the battling food, exercise and your weight. You also know what to do, but you just don’t do it. The mental exhaustion of “I shouldn’t eat that _____” or “I know I’d feel better if I exercised more.” “I’m exhausted but don’t have time to rest” is all too familiar.
Let’s be honest. The ups and downs of this cycle is defeating. It’s damaging on our relationships and takes a toll on our body. The next quick fix will work. The question is, “at what cost and for how long?”
It’s time to ditch dieting and start using Simple tools to Create a Unique, Sustainable THat works for YOu!
Through my own struggles, I have found that the secret to living well isn’t about following a bunch of rigid rules, but in practicing simple tools so that lead to lasting results!